Uses of Interface

Packages that use DeepaMehtaObject

Uses of DeepaMehtaObject in de.deepamehta.core

Subinterfaces of DeepaMehtaObject in de.deepamehta.core
 interface Association
          ### FIXDOC: Specification of an association -- A n-ary connection between topics and other associations.
 interface AssociationDefinition
          Definition of an association between 2 topic types -- part of DeepaMehta's type system, like an association in a class diagram.
 interface AssociationType
 interface RelatedAssociation
          An Association-Association pair.
 interface RelatedTopic
          A Topic-Association pair.
 interface Topic
          Specification of a topic -- DeepaMehta's central data object.
 interface TopicType
          Specification of a topic type -- part of DeepaMehta's type system, like a class.
 interface Type

Uses of DeepaMehtaObject in de.deepamehta.core.impl

Classes in de.deepamehta.core.impl with type parameters of type DeepaMehtaObject
(package private)  class ObjectIterator<E extends DeepaMehtaObject,M extends DeepaMehtaObjectModel>

Classes in de.deepamehta.core.impl that implement DeepaMehtaObject
(package private)  class AttachedAssociation
          An association model that is attached to the DB.
(package private)  class AttachedAssociationDefinition
          An association definition that is attached to the DeepaMehtaService.
(package private)  class AttachedAssociationType
          An association type that is attached to the DeepaMehtaService.
(package private)  class AttachedDeepaMehtaObject
          A DeepaMehta object model that is attached to the DB.
(package private)  class AttachedRelatedAssociation
          An Association-Association pair that is attached to the DeepaMehtaService.
(package private)  class AttachedRelatedTopic
          A Topic-Association pair that is attached to the DeepaMehtaService.
(package private)  class AttachedTopic
          A topic that is attached to the DeepaMehtaService.
(package private)  class AttachedTopicType
          A topic type that is attached to the DeepaMehtaService.
(package private)  class AttachedType

Uses of DeepaMehtaObject in de.deepamehta.plugins.accesscontrol

Methods in de.deepamehta.plugins.accesscontrol with parameters of type DeepaMehtaObject
 AccessControlList AccessControlPlugin.getACL(DeepaMehtaObject object)
 String AccessControlPlugin.getCreator(DeepaMehtaObject object)
 String AccessControlPlugin.getOwner(DeepaMehtaObject object)
private  Permissions AccessControlPlugin.getPermissions(DeepaMehtaObject object)
private  boolean AccessControlPlugin.hasPermission(String username, Operation operation, DeepaMehtaObject object)
          Checks if a user is allowed to perform an operation on an object (topic or association).
private  String object)
private  CompositeValueModel AccessControlPlugin.permissions(DeepaMehtaObject object)
 void AccessControlPlugin.setACL(DeepaMehtaObject object, AccessControlList acl)
 void AccessControlPlugin.setCreator(DeepaMehtaObject object, String username)
 void AccessControlPlugin.setOwner(DeepaMehtaObject object, String username)
private  void AccessControlPlugin.setupAccessControl(DeepaMehtaObject object, AccessControlList acl, String username)
private  void AccessControlPlugin.setupDefaultAccessControl(DeepaMehtaObject object)
          Sets the logged in user as the creator and the owner of the specified object and creates a default access control entry for it.
private  boolean AccessControlPlugin.userIsCreator(String username, DeepaMehtaObject object)
          Checks if a user is the creator of the object.
private  boolean AccessControlPlugin.userIsMember(String username, DeepaMehtaObject object)
          Checks if a user is a member of any workspace the object is assigned to.
private  boolean AccessControlPlugin.userIsOwner(String username, DeepaMehtaObject object)
          Checks if a user is the owner of the object.
private  boolean AccessControlPlugin.userOccupiesRole(String username, UserRole userRole, DeepaMehtaObject object)
          Checks if a user occupies a role with regard to the specified object.

Uses of DeepaMehtaObject in de.deepamehta.plugins.accesscontrol.migrations

Methods in de.deepamehta.plugins.accesscontrol.migrations with parameters of type DeepaMehtaObject
private  void Migration2.migrateObject(DeepaMehtaObject object, String type)
private  void Migration2.renameProperty(DeepaMehtaObject object, String oldPropUri, String newPropUri, boolean addToIndex)

Uses of DeepaMehtaObject in de.deepamehta.plugins.accesscontrol.service

Methods in de.deepamehta.plugins.accesscontrol.service with parameters of type DeepaMehtaObject
 AccessControlList AccessControlService.getACL(DeepaMehtaObject object)
          Returns the Access Control List of a topic or an association.
 String AccessControlService.getCreator(DeepaMehtaObject object)
          Returns the creator of a topic or an association.
 String AccessControlService.getOwner(DeepaMehtaObject object)
          Returns the owner of a topic or an association.
 void AccessControlService.setACL(DeepaMehtaObject object, AccessControlList acl)
          Sets the Access Control List for a topic or an association.
 void AccessControlService.setCreator(DeepaMehtaObject object, String username)
          Sets the creator of a topic or an association.
 void AccessControlService.setOwner(DeepaMehtaObject object, String username)
          Sets the owner of a topic or an association.

Uses of DeepaMehtaObject in de.deepamehta.plugins.caching

Methods in de.deepamehta.plugins.caching that return DeepaMehtaObject
private  DeepaMehtaObject CachingPlugin.requestObject(com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerRequest request)
private  DeepaMehtaObject CachingPlugin.responseObject(com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerResponse response)

Uses of DeepaMehtaObject in de.deepamehta.plugins.facets

Methods in de.deepamehta.plugins.facets with parameters of type DeepaMehtaObject
private  RelatedTopic FacetsPlugin.fetchChildTopic(DeepaMehtaObject object, AssociationDefinition assocDef, boolean fetchComposite)
          Fetches and returns a child topic or null if no such topic extists.
private  List<RelatedTopic> FacetsPlugin.fetchChildTopics(DeepaMehtaObject object, AssociationDefinition assocDef, boolean fetchComposite)
          Fetches and returns child topics.
 Topic FacetsPlugin.getFacet(DeepaMehtaObject object, String facetTypeUri)
 List<RelatedTopic> FacetsPlugin.getFacets(DeepaMehtaObject object, String facetTypeUri)
 void FacetsPlugin.updateFacet(DeepaMehtaObject object, String facetTypeUri, TopicModel facetValue, ClientState clientState, Directives directives)
 void FacetsPlugin.updateFacets(DeepaMehtaObject object, String facetTypeUri, List<? extends TopicModel> facetValues, ClientState clientState, Directives directives)

Uses of DeepaMehtaObject in de.deepamehta.plugins.facets.service

Methods in de.deepamehta.plugins.facets.service with parameters of type DeepaMehtaObject
 Topic FacetsService.getFacet(DeepaMehtaObject object, String facetTypeUri)
          Retrieves a facet.
 List<RelatedTopic> FacetsService.getFacets(DeepaMehtaObject object, String facetTypeUri)
          Retrieves a multi-facet.
 void FacetsService.updateFacet(DeepaMehtaObject object, String facetTypeUri, TopicModel facetValue, ClientState clientState, Directives directives)
          Updates a facet.
 void FacetsService.updateFacets(DeepaMehtaObject object, String facetTypeUri, List<? extends TopicModel> facetValues, ClientState clientState, Directives directives)
          Updates a multi-facet.

Uses of DeepaMehtaObject in de.deepamehta.plugins.time

Methods in de.deepamehta.plugins.time that return DeepaMehtaObject
private  DeepaMehtaObject TimePlugin.responseObject(com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerResponse response)

Methods in de.deepamehta.plugins.time with parameters of type DeepaMehtaObject
private  long TimePlugin.enrichWithTimestamp(DeepaMehtaObject object)
 long TimePlugin.getCreationTime(DeepaMehtaObject object)
 long TimePlugin.getModificationTime(DeepaMehtaObject object)
private  void TimePlugin.storeCreationTime(DeepaMehtaObject object, long time)
private  void TimePlugin.storeModificationTime(DeepaMehtaObject object, long time)
private  void TimePlugin.storeTime(DeepaMehtaObject object, String propUri, long time)
private  void TimePlugin.storeTimestamp(DeepaMehtaObject object)
private  void TimePlugin.storeTimestamps(DeepaMehtaObject object)

Uses of DeepaMehtaObject in de.deepamehta.plugins.time.service

Methods in de.deepamehta.plugins.time.service with parameters of type DeepaMehtaObject
 long TimeService.getCreationTime(DeepaMehtaObject object)
 long TimeService.getModificationTime(DeepaMehtaObject object)

Uses of DeepaMehtaObject in de.deepamehta.plugins.webservice

Methods in de.deepamehta.plugins.webservice with parameters of type DeepaMehtaObject
private  ResultList<RelatedTopic> WebservicePlugin.getRelatedTopics(DeepaMehtaObject object, String objectInfo, String assocTypeUri, String myRoleTypeUri, String othersRoleTypeUri, String othersTopicTypeUri, int maxResultSize)

Uses of DeepaMehtaObject in de.deepamehta.plugins.workspaces

Methods in de.deepamehta.plugins.workspaces with parameters of type DeepaMehtaObject
private  void WorkspacesPlugin._assignToWorkspace(DeepaMehtaObject object, long workspaceId)
 void WorkspacesPlugin.assignToWorkspace(DeepaMehtaObject object, long workspaceId)
 List<RelatedTopic> WorkspacesPlugin.getAssignedWorkspaces(DeepaMehtaObject object)

Uses of DeepaMehtaObject in de.deepamehta.plugins.workspaces.service

Methods in de.deepamehta.plugins.workspaces.service with parameters of type DeepaMehtaObject
 void WorkspacesService.assignToWorkspace(DeepaMehtaObject object, long workspaceId)
          Assigns the specified object to a workspace.
 List<RelatedTopic> WorkspacesService.getAssignedWorkspaces(DeepaMehtaObject object)
          Fetches the workspaces the specified object is assigned to.

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