Uses of Class

Packages that use PluginImpl

Uses of PluginImpl in de.deepamehta.core.impl

Fields in de.deepamehta.core.impl with type parameters of type PluginImpl
private  Map<String,PluginImpl> PluginManager.activatedPlugins
          The pool of activated plugins.

Methods in de.deepamehta.core.impl that return PluginImpl
(package private)  PluginImpl PluginManager.getPlugin(String pluginUri)

Methods in de.deepamehta.core.impl with parameters of type PluginImpl
(package private)  void PluginManager.activatePlugin(PluginImpl plugin)
          Activates a plugin.
private  void PluginManager.addToActivatedPlugins(PluginImpl plugin)
(package private)  void PluginManager.deactivatePlugin(PluginImpl plugin)
(package private)  void EventManager.deliverEvent(PluginImpl plugin, DeepaMehtaEvent event, Object... params)
          Checks weather the given plugin is a listener for the given event, and if so, delivers the event to the plugin.
private  void MigrationManager.runMigration(int migrationNr, PluginImpl plugin, boolean isCleanInstall)
          Runs a core migration or a plugin migration.
private  void MigrationManager.runPluginMigration(PluginImpl plugin, int migrationNr, boolean isCleanInstall)
(package private)  void MigrationManager.runPluginMigrations(PluginImpl plugin, boolean isCleanInstall)
          Determines the migrations to be run for the specified plugin and run them.

Constructors in de.deepamehta.core.impl with parameters of type PluginImpl
MigrationManager.MigrationInfo(int migrationNr, PluginImpl plugin)

Uses of PluginImpl in de.deepamehta.core.osgi

Fields in de.deepamehta.core.osgi declared as PluginImpl
private  PluginImpl PluginActivator.plugin

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