Uses of Class

Packages that use TopicReferenceModel

Uses of TopicReferenceModel in de.deepamehta.core.impl

Methods in de.deepamehta.core.impl with parameters of type TopicReferenceModel
private  Topic ValueStorage.associateReferencedChildTopic(DeepaMehtaObjectModel parent, TopicReferenceModel childTopicRef, AssociationDefinition assocDef)
          Creates an association between the given parent object ("Parent" role) and the referenced topic ("Child" role).
(package private)  RelatedTopic AttachedChildTopics.associateReferencedChildTopic(TopicReferenceModel childTopicRef, AssociationDefinition assocDef)
          Creates an association between our parent object ("Parent" role) and the referenced topic ("Child" role).
private  boolean AttachedChildTopics.isReferingToAny(TopicReferenceModel topicRef, AssociationDefinition assocDef)
          Checks weather the given topic reference refers to any of the child topics.

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