Uses of Class

Packages that use IndexMode

Uses of IndexMode in de.deepamehta.core

Methods in de.deepamehta.core that return types with arguments of type IndexMode
 List<IndexMode> Type.getIndexModes()

Methods in de.deepamehta.core with parameters of type IndexMode
 void Type.addIndexMode(IndexMode indexMode)

Uses of IndexMode in de.deepamehta.core.impl

Methods in de.deepamehta.core.impl that return types with arguments of type IndexMode
private  List<IndexMode> TypeStorageImpl.fetchIndexModes(long typeId)
 List<IndexMode> AttachedType.getIndexModes()

Methods in de.deepamehta.core.impl with parameters of type IndexMode
 void AttachedType.addIndexMode(IndexMode indexMode)
private  void AttachedType.indexAllInstances(IndexMode indexMode)
(package private)  void StorageDecorator.indexAssociationValue(long assocId, IndexMode indexMode, String indexKey, SimpleValue indexValue)
(package private)  void ValueStorage.indexSimpleValue(DeepaMehtaObjectModel model, IndexMode indexMode)
          Indexes the simple value of the given object model according to the given index mode.
(package private)  void StorageDecorator.indexTopicValue(long topicId, IndexMode indexMode, String indexKey, SimpleValue indexValue)
(package private)  void TypeStorageImpl.storeIndexMode(String typeUri, IndexMode indexMode)

Method parameters in de.deepamehta.core.impl with type arguments of type IndexMode
(package private)  void StorageDecorator.storeAssociationValue(long assocId, SimpleValue value, List<IndexMode> indexModes, String indexKey, SimpleValue indexValue)
          Stores and indexes the association's value.
private  void TypeStorageImpl.storeIndexModes(String typeUri, List<IndexMode> indexModes)
(package private)  void StorageDecorator.storeTopicValue(long topicId, SimpleValue value, List<IndexMode> indexModes, String indexKey, SimpleValue indexValue)
          Stores and indexes the topic's value.

Uses of IndexMode in de.deepamehta.core.model

Fields in de.deepamehta.core.model with type parameters of type IndexMode
private  List<IndexMode> TypeModel.indexModes

Methods in de.deepamehta.core.model that return IndexMode
private static IndexMode IndexMode.fromUri(String uri)
static IndexMode IndexMode.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static IndexMode[] IndexMode.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in de.deepamehta.core.model that return types with arguments of type IndexMode
static List<IndexMode> IndexMode.fromTopics(List<RelatedTopicModel> topics)
 List<IndexMode> TypeModel.getIndexModes()
(package private) static List<IndexMode> IndexMode.parse(JSONObject topicTypeModel)

Methods in de.deepamehta.core.model with parameters of type IndexMode
 void TypeModel.addIndexMode(IndexMode indexMode)

Method parameters in de.deepamehta.core.model with type arguments of type IndexMode
(package private) static void IndexMode.toJSON(List<IndexMode> indexModes, JSONObject o)

Constructor parameters in de.deepamehta.core.model with type arguments of type IndexMode
AssociationTypeModel(TopicModel topic, String dataTypeUri, List<IndexMode> indexModes, List<AssociationDefinitionModel> assocDefs, List<String> labelConfig, ViewConfigurationModel viewConfig)
TopicTypeModel(TopicModel topic, String dataTypeUri, List<IndexMode> indexModes, List<AssociationDefinitionModel> assocDefs, List<String> labelConfig, ViewConfigurationModel viewConfig)
TypeModel(TopicModel topic, String dataTypeUri, List<IndexMode> indexModes, List<AssociationDefinitionModel> assocDefs, List<String> labelConfig, ViewConfigurationModel viewConfig)

Uses of IndexMode in

Methods in with parameters of type IndexMode
 void DeepaMehtaStorage.indexAssociationValue(long assocId, IndexMode indexMode, String indexKey, SimpleValue indexValue)
 void DeepaMehtaStorage.indexTopicValue(long topicId, IndexMode indexMode, String indexKey, SimpleValue indexValue)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type IndexMode
 void DeepaMehtaStorage.storeAssociationValue(long assocId, SimpleValue value, List<IndexMode> indexModes, String indexKey, SimpleValue indexValue)
          Stores and indexes an association value.
 void DeepaMehtaStorage.storeTopicValue(long topicId, SimpleValue value, List<IndexMode> indexModes, String indexKey, SimpleValue indexValue)
          Stores and indexes a topic value.

Uses of IndexMode in

Methods in with parameters of type IndexMode
 void Neo4jStorage.indexAssociationValue(long assocId, IndexMode indexMode, String indexKey, SimpleValue indexValue)
 void Neo4jStorage.indexTopicValue(long topicId, IndexMode indexMode, String indexKey, SimpleValue indexValue)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type IndexMode
private  void Neo4jStorage.indexAssociationNodeValue(org.neo4j.graphdb.Node assocNode, List<IndexMode> indexModes, String indexKey, Object indexValue)
private  void Neo4jStorage.indexNodeValue(org.neo4j.graphdb.Node node, Object value, List<IndexMode> indexModes, String indexKey, org.neo4j.graphdb.index.Index<org.neo4j.graphdb.Node> exactIndex, org.neo4j.graphdb.index.Index<org.neo4j.graphdb.Node> fulltextIndex)
private  void Neo4jStorage.indexTopicNodeValue(org.neo4j.graphdb.Node topicNode, List<IndexMode> indexModes, String indexKey, Object indexValue)
 void Neo4jStorage.storeAssociationValue(long assocId, SimpleValue value, List<IndexMode> indexModes, String indexKey, SimpleValue indexValue)
 void Neo4jStorage.storeTopicValue(long topicId, SimpleValue value, List<IndexMode> indexModes, String indexKey, SimpleValue indexValue)

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