Uses of Class

Packages that use DeepaMehtaObjectModel

Uses of DeepaMehtaObjectModel in de.deepamehta.core

Methods in de.deepamehta.core that return DeepaMehtaObjectModel
 DeepaMehtaObjectModel DeepaMehtaObject.getModel()

Methods in de.deepamehta.core with parameters of type DeepaMehtaObjectModel
 void DeepaMehtaObject.update(DeepaMehtaObjectModel model)

Uses of DeepaMehtaObjectModel in de.deepamehta.core.impl

Classes in de.deepamehta.core.impl with type parameters of type DeepaMehtaObjectModel
(package private)  class ObjectIterator<O extends DeepaMehtaObject,M extends DeepaMehtaObjectModel>

Fields in de.deepamehta.core.impl declared as DeepaMehtaObjectModel
private  DeepaMehtaObjectModel AttachedDeepaMehtaObject.model

Methods in de.deepamehta.core.impl that return DeepaMehtaObjectModel
(package private)  DeepaMehtaObjectModel StorageDecorator.fetchObject(long id)
 DeepaMehtaObjectModel AttachedDeepaMehtaObject.getModel()

Methods in de.deepamehta.core.impl with parameters of type DeepaMehtaObjectModel
(package private)  void ValueStorage.associateChildTopic(DeepaMehtaObjectModel parent, RelatedTopicModel childTopic, AssociationDefinitionModel assocDef)
          Creates an association between the given parent object ("Parent" role) and the child topic ("Child" role).
private  String ValueStorage.buildChildLabel(DeepaMehtaObjectModel parent, String childTypeUri)
private  String ValueStorage.buildLabel(DeepaMehtaObjectModel model)
private  void ValueStorage.fetchChildTopics(DeepaMehtaObjectModel parent)
          Fetches the child topic models (recursively) of the given parent object model and updates it in-place.
(package private)  void ValueStorage.fetchChildTopics(DeepaMehtaObjectModel parent, AssociationDefinitionModel assocDef)
          Fetches the child topic models (recursively) of the given parent object model and updates it in-place.
private  SimpleValue ValueStorage.getIndexValue(DeepaMehtaObjectModel model)
          Calculates the simple value that is to be indexed for this object.
(package private)  List<String> ValueStorage.getLabelChildTypeUris(DeepaMehtaObjectModel parent)
          Prerequisite: parent is a composite model.
private  TypeModel ValueStorage.getType(DeepaMehtaObjectModel model)
          Returns the type model of a DeepaMehta object model.
(package private)  void ValueStorage.indexSimpleValue(DeepaMehtaObjectModel model, IndexMode indexMode)
          Indexes the simple value of the given object model according to the given index mode.
(package private)  void ValueStorage.refreshLabel(DeepaMehtaObjectModel parent)
          Recalculates the label of the given parent object model and updates it in-place.
(package private)  void ValueStorage.setSimpleValue(DeepaMehtaObjectModel model, SimpleValue value)
private  void ValueStorage.storeChildTopic(RelatedTopicModel childTopic, DeepaMehtaObjectModel parent, AssociationDefinitionModel assocDef)
private  void ValueStorage.storeChildTopics(DeepaMehtaObjectModel parent)
          Stores the composite value (child topics) of the specified topic or association model.
private  void ValueStorage.storeSimpleValue(DeepaMehtaObjectModel model)
          Stores and indexes the simple value of the specified topic or association model.
(package private)  void ValueStorage.storeValue(DeepaMehtaObjectModel model)
          Stores and indexes the specified model's value, either a simple value or a composite value (child topics).
 void AttachedDeepaMehtaObject.update(DeepaMehtaObjectModel newModel)

Constructors in de.deepamehta.core.impl with parameters of type DeepaMehtaObjectModel
AttachedDeepaMehtaObject(DeepaMehtaObjectModel model, EmbeddedService dms)

Uses of DeepaMehtaObjectModel in de.deepamehta.core.model

Subclasses of DeepaMehtaObjectModel in de.deepamehta.core.model
 class AssociationDefinitionModel
          Definition of an association between 2 topic types -- part of DeepaMehta's type system, like an association in a class diagram.
 class AssociationModel
          Collection of the data that makes up an Association.
 class AssociationTypeModel
          Collection of the data that makes up an AssociationType.
 class RelatedAssociationModel
 class RelatedTopicModel
 class TopicDeletionModel
 class TopicModel
 class TopicReferenceModel
 class TopicTypeModel
          Collection of the data that makes up a TopicType.
 class TypeModel

Methods in de.deepamehta.core.model that return DeepaMehtaObjectModel
 DeepaMehtaObjectModel DeepaMehtaObjectModel.clone()

Methods in de.deepamehta.core.model with parameters of type DeepaMehtaObjectModel
 void DeepaMehtaObjectModel.set(DeepaMehtaObjectModel object)

Constructors in de.deepamehta.core.model with parameters of type DeepaMehtaObjectModel
DeepaMehtaObjectModel(DeepaMehtaObjectModel object)

Uses of DeepaMehtaObjectModel in

Methods in that return DeepaMehtaObjectModel
 DeepaMehtaObjectModel DeepaMehtaStorage.fetchObject(long id)

Uses of DeepaMehtaObjectModel in de.deepamehta.plugins.topicmaps.model

Subclasses of DeepaMehtaObjectModel in de.deepamehta.plugins.topicmaps.model
 class AssociationViewmodel
          An association viewmodel as contained in a topicmap viewmodel.
 class TopicViewmodel
          A topic viewmodel as contained in a topicmap viewmodel.

Uses of DeepaMehtaObjectModel in

Classes in with type parameters of type DeepaMehtaObjectModel
(package private)  class ModelIterator<E extends DeepaMehtaObjectModel>

Methods in that return DeepaMehtaObjectModel
 DeepaMehtaObjectModel Neo4jStorage.fetchObject(long id)

Methods in with parameters of type DeepaMehtaObjectModel
private  void Neo4jStorage.setDefaults(DeepaMehtaObjectModel model)

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